Unreal Tournament 2004 kurz UT2K4 ist im März 2004 von Atari veröffentlich worden und habe ich in der Vergangenheit oft gespielt. Da es einen wahnsinnigen Spaß macht und wir ab und zu mal ein wenig zocken wollten habe ich mich mal wieder ein wenig mit der Installation unter Linux beschäftigt.

Adresse des Servers:   ut2k4.thefry.de:7777 /

Den aktuellen und letzten Patch kann man hier laden: UT2004 Patch 3369

Aufgesetzt in der Grund Installation ist der Server recht schnell dank LGSM Script und ist auf der Webseite sehr gut beschrieben. Wenn man noch nicht so im Thema mit der Konfiguration ist hilft ein Online Config Generator. Da der Standard Server und Maps auf Dauer ein wenig langweilig werden mussten natürlich auch noch Custom Maps her und damit der Download schneller geht ein http Redirect. Das ganze ist gar nicht so schwer und wird unter folgenden Parametern eingestellt:


Vor dem Upload auf den Webspace des http Redirects müssen die Dateien allerdings vorher mit TinyUZ2 komprimiert werden. Danach einfach die Dateien hochladen und schon kann es losgehen und man ist nicht mehr auf die geringen Download Raten von UT angewiesen. Eine gute Quelle für Maps die Seite von UTZone.

Weil es einen riesigen Spaß macht bei UT2K4 mit Sounds um sich zu werfen musste natürlich der Mod Zounds her und die Konfiguration ist gar nicht so schwer nur ein wenig aufwendig da alles Sounds in die Liste eingetragen werden müssen und hier meine Beispiel Konfiguration






Für die ganzen Trigger habe ich dann eine PDF Zounds IbbTown Madness erstellt zum nachsehen was man so loslassen kann. Schon ist der Spassfaktor noch ein wenig erhöht.

Um das ganze noch ein wenig bunter zu machen und ein paar nett andere Features


UTComp has three Skins types: Epic Style (normal, not modified skins), Brighter Epic Style (same as normal, but with a glow effect that makes them brighter) and UTComp Style. The last two brightskins types can be disabled by the server. That server setting can also be voted in the Voting menu by players.
The brightskins system also contains clanskins. You start by selecting a team, or creating a clanskin (more on that below), and then choosing skin type, skin color, and model for that team/clanskin. This allows players to have different brightskins types on different teams.
A potentially confusing setting is the Base on Enemy/Teammate checkbox. By default, this checkbox is not clicked, which means that you can set Brightskins and Models for players on the Red Team, and different ones (preferrably!) for players on the Blue Team. If you enable Base on Enemy/Teammate, you can set up Brightskins and models for Teammates and Enemies, regardless of whether you’re in the Blue or Red team.Clanskins are a system that allow you to set a Custom Skin and Model to specific teammates, based on name. For example, if you wanted your teammate [abc]-mrteammate to be in a different skin and model than regular teammates, you would click the „Add“ button and type in mrteammate. This will allow you to have different settings for all teammates that have mrteammate in their name. You could also just type in the clan tag [abc], that way every player in your team with [abc] in their name could have different settings.

Colored Names

UTComp fully supports Colored Names and Colored text/death messages. The system to set up your colored name uses a slider to select a letter, and three sliders for color. Basically, you move the letter selection slider under your name to the letter for which you want to change colors, and then select a color from the bottom color sliders.
You can save and restore different color names using the provided buttons, for easy access.
You can also select where you want colored names to be displayed from the upper checkboxes.

Team Overlay

Team Overlay is a feature that draws a window on screen, showing your teammate’s locations, health, armor, powerups and current weapon. It’s mostly useful for team deathmatch games, giving players more info about their teammate’s play, without needing to rely on voice communication and/or teamsay as much.
A useful option is „show self“, which, if enabled, will also show yourself in the team overlay. This is useful to quickly compare your health and armor with a teammate before grabbing an armor, for example.
Servers can disable the team overlay entirely if they wish. This can also be voted on and off by the players.


Crosshair factory is an option that allows you to make a custom crosshair by combining any crosshairs that you have installed, as well as modifying the color, transparency and size for every crosshair added.
The buttons up and down change the order in which the crosshairs are drawn on screen, and in the list in the menus. UTComp draws crosshairs that are on top of the list first, which means they will be „under“ crosshairs that are lower in the list. Experimentation might be required for optimal results.


Hitsounds play a „beep“ sound when you hit an enemy, giving the player additional feedback to help know when you hit. (especially useful from very long ranges)
CPMA Style Hitsounds change the hitsound pitch depending on how much damage the shot did. This is recommended, as it brings additional audio feedback to tell how much damage a rocket or flak ball did, as opposed to merely guessing from the distance.
Servers can disable hitsounds entirely if they wish. This can also be voted on and off by players on the voting menu, like the Brightskins settings.


UTComp’s voting options complement epic’s voting by adding a few useful features for competitive play.
Every voting options can be disabled by the server, if the server admin doesnt want players to be able to change specific settings.If another player calls a vote, you hear a sound and receive a message telling you to vote. Press F5 to vote Yes or No. If you do not vote, your vote is counted as a No.

Auto Demo/SS

Auto Demo Recording and Auto Screenshots will automatically take demos and screenshots of every UTComp game you play. This is useful for players who want to keep track of every game they play.


Options to revert to the original Epic scoreboard, as well as choosing which game stats are displayed on the scoreboard, can be found here.
The Match Hud Color to skins option will change your hud’s color to your team’s brightskins color.
The Enable Enhanced Netcode option turns on and off UTComp’s Enhanced Netcode. As long as the server has Enhanced Netcode enabled, every player can choose his own netcode setting.

Coaching Mode

Coaching mode is a new spectator mode, intended for matches and tournaments. It allows a spectator to see his team’s team overlay, and locks his viewpoint on those team members only. Your teamsay messages will also go directly to your teammates.
To activate Coaching mode, you have to be already connected as a spectator, and click the Coach Red/Coach Blue button on the main F5 GUI page.
Once you set yourself to coach a specific team, you cannot go back to free spectator view until you reconnect.


Nach dem Upload der Dateien auf den Gameserver muss zum starten des Mutators nur noch folgende Zeichenfolge in den Server Start Command eingetragen werden


und schon startet der Mutator mit dem Server start und steht zur Verfügung.


Verwaltet werden kann der Server über ein Webinterface das normalerweise über den Port http://url_des_server:8075  aufgerufen werden kann.


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